Copart’s Coronavirus Response

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Copart Oman Update

Oman auction will return back to normal schedule starting from Sunday, July 12, 2020.

Copart Oman will only accept payments via bank transfer or online credit card payment options. Cash payments will not be accepted. 

Copart UAE Update

Auction and office timing update, starting from Sunday, May 24, 2020, UAE auctions will resume back to normal timings. Damaged car auction on Monday at 5 pm and Used car auction on Tuesday at 7 pm local time.Office timing will be from 9 am - 5 pm.  

In accordance with Federal Government directives aimed at combating COVID–19, please note that Copart UAE, DIC office will be receiving limited number of customers at once.  

Yard Summer working hours for vehicle loading & unloading will be as follows: 09 am to 12:00 HRS then 15:00 HRS to 17:00 HRS with no loading and unloading during 12:30 to 15:00 HRS.

Copart Bahrain Update

Yard Summer hours: Office working hours 06:00 am to 02:00 pm and vehicle loading hours 06:00 am to 12:00 pm.

 Auction and office timing update, starting from Sunday, May 24, 2020, Bahrain auctions will resume back to normal timings.  

As a result of recent directives relating to the outbreak of Covid-19, we would like to share with you some measures we have put in place with immediate effect in Oman & Bahrain:

Weekly Auction & Preview:

The Weekly Auction will run as normal. However, limited members will be permitted to view vehicles at our yard. No keys will be released to start engine to avoid risking of virus transmit


Oman:                  Phone: +968 9731 9255                                                Email:

Bahrain:               Phone: +973 1 360 9090                                               Email:



We will no longer able to accept payment at our offices, therefore, we request all Customers to use online, digital options, such as credit cards, direct deposits at Banks or Online bank transfers to our bank account. As a reminder, please find below a link to our bank details and our dedicated finance email address.

Bank Details


Vehicle Pickup: 

For any vehicle pick up, members are required to send a request to us and once the vehicle is ready, the member will be notified via email. Enquiries relating to Pickup vehicles can be addressed to the Customer Services contact details above.

Copart Middle East apologises for the amendment to its normal services. Copart must comply with all Government directives to protect the health and well-being of our valued Customers and Employees.


Please see below mandatory health and safety regulations when visiting Copart facility:
  • Hand sanitizer, hand gloves and face mask must be used at all time
  • Yard visitors are required to bring their own safety jacket
  • Only one customer allowed to stand at Customer Service counter at a time 

Please see prevention tips below to help keep you and people around you safe:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly and regularly
  • Stay home if you’re sick
  • Utilize fist or elbow-bumping instead of handshakes and high-fives


Participation in Auctions
As you know, our auctions are conducted 100% online, which means we will continue hosting auctions at their normal schedules. Our members are welcome to bid on vehicles on or on our mobile app (available for iOS and Android devices).


Online Payment Options

For their convenience and efficiency, we continue to encourage our Members to pay online for their purchased vehicles. Below are some options for online payment.


  • Online Bank transfer: customers can make payment directly through bank transfers to our bank accounts. Please ensure your member number is used as the beneficiary reference for payment and for our bank details in middle east countries, please refer to our Bank Account Details page. Please email the payment details to along with the IBAN transfer proof, mentioning your buyer number and lot/ invoice number in the email.


  •  Credit/debit card: we can accept online payment though Credit/ Debit card. Some international members wishing to use credit card, may require to  obtain pre-approval to use Credit Card, please send the approval email to