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Membership Options

As a Copart Member, you'll be able to search our massive inventory of salvage and used cars, trucks and SUVs. Unlock additional features by upgrading to a Standard or Premier Membership to start bidding and winning!
  Regional Membership   More than 200 auctions a year   Access thousands of vehicles
Guest Free For those who want to view auctions, but don't want to bid.
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Standard 600 AED For frequent buyers.
  Bid up to AED 30,000   Fixed AED 2,000 deposit   Win up to three vehicles per auction
Premium 1,200 AED For high volume, high value buyers.
  Bidding power from AED 60,000   Deposit from AED 2,000   Bidding power 30x amount deposited   Win unlimited number of vehicles

Copart’s journey in the Middle East

Copart opened its first Middle Eastern operation in Dubai, UAE, in 2012, with its first auction there taking place in August of that year. The Head Office for the region was then built in Dubai three years later, which coincided with our further expansion into the countries of Bahrain and Oman. This new expanded location allowed us to properly serve our customers, as we grow to become the region's leading auto auction company. Now we have built our business in these three distinct countries, we are selling many thousands of vehicles every year, having signed deals to work for most of the major (and smaller) insurance companies, as well as many of the local Government entities, such as Dubai Police, Sharjah Municipality, Abu Dhabi Department of Transport, Dubai Ambulance Services, and others. Copart Middle East, now runs five auctions a week, handling everything from salvage to US imported vehicles and occasional Classic Car auctions too. We have an excess of 6000 registered buyers and were asked to run the official Classic Vehicle Auction as part of the Dubai Motor Show. We have a total of 53 staff across the whole region, covering 14 different nationalities, reflecting our diverse and integrated environment.

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